In 2008…
I was a stay at home mom in the process of trying to have another baby. After a miscarriage and a subsequent life threatening ectopic pregnancy, I found myself sad, frustrated and very alone.

I didn’t want to just wallow in my sadness, so I figured I needed a distraction.
That is when I picked up a camera for the first time. I remember it clearly. I placed a glass on my coffee table and took a photo. Then I moved a knob and took another photo and so on.
Slowly but surely, I was teaching myself photography. In early 2009 I was invited by a photographer friend to assist her on a boudoir shoot.
I happily agreed. What a life-changing day that was. To this day I am not sure I can explain why, but I knew in my bones that boudoir was my calling.
I immediately started a boudoir photography business out of my bedroom and started feverishly marketing and in my first 2 years of business, I photographed more than 400 women!
Spoiler Alert: I also got pregnant with my second child!
Through my journey as a boudoir photographer, I have learned so much about women and myself. I learned that we all struggle with problems such as fertility, marriage issues, self-esteem and self-worth, body image issues, etc… Boudoir gave me a platform to start speaking about these topics publically. Out of that, the #ShamelesslyFeminine® movement was born.

In 2017, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I knew once again it was time to be public and share my journey.
I am still a boudoir photographer, but now I also turn the camera on myself to use art therapy as a way to heal from my cancer and to inspire women and men that are going through tough times in life.
Today, I spend my time shooting, teaching, writing, podcasting and working on another movement called Life After Breast Cancer to help women put their lives back together after cancer.
I am so grateful my camera has opened up opportunities for me that I never could have imagined existed. I am grateful my camera has been by my side through everything and has brought such amazing people into my life.
Including you!